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Oak trees are so special.

A present that will truly last a lifetime – an oak tree gift will keep on giving to people and nature for generations to come…

Give our Oak Tree Gift to a loved one as a strong statement of longevity and natural beauty. This native tree is a symbol of strength, courage, and wisdom. Customers love to give this gift on Birthdays, Father’s Day, Mother's Day and Wedding Anniversaries. However definitely don't forget a welcome to the world gift for the birth of a child. We watch babies grow from tiny babies to strong independant adults, how quaint it would be to have an Oak Tree Sapling grow with your child and when they have there own family and forever homes to have that almighty oak in their back garden. 

This gift arrives as a proud Oak Tree Sapling, small but with big plans to grow. Lush, green leaves adorn its slender trunk. In autumn, the leaves turn fiery-oranges and bronzed-browns before falling off for winter. Oaks are fully hardy and no stranger to the cold, so there’s nothing to do but wait for spring. Loved ones can watch it grow large and sturdy for years to come, eventually producing its own acorns for birds and squirrels.  

Did you know some oaks live to the ripe age of 1,000, now what other gifts can do that?


These are Lockdown Oak Trees. Lets make a positive out of the crazy year we have had in a Pandemic. The stories that our children and lockdown babies can tell there children and grandchildren. 

2020 Oak Tree Saplings

  • Every year in September we as a family, venture out and collect acorns. My daughter loves a woodland walk. We then do a sink and float test. Not all acorns grow in to oak trees!

    All the floaters go back to the woods for the wildlife to enjoy. Another trip out for my daughter and a great suprise for the squirrels. Win Win situation. 

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